Pan Dulce
Pan Dulce

As a poor teenager in the barrio Pan Dulce was once caught stealing his favorite sweet treat, the concha. After serving time for theft he vowed to never steal again and remade himself into a hero for poor children everywhere. Thus was born Pan Dulce!

La Flor De La Muerta
La Flor De La Muerta

Rumors trail behind this Luchadora like vines from a tree. Is she cursed, is she a bruja, or perhaps even a devil? Whatever the truth, she is a fearsome fighter that brings misfortune to all who meet her in the ring.

Lady Lightning
Lady Lightning

While rescuing a group of children during a hurricane she was struck by lightning and a fallen power line at the same time. Miraculously she not only survived, but soon found that she had the ability to channel lightning through her body. Broken and homeless, she turned to Lucha Libre to survive.

Dread Cat
Dread Cat

Enemies the world over curse her arrival for where the Dread Cat appears, bad luck is sure to follow. Abandoned as child and raised by a mysterious black panther she now lives as the Dread Cat; a protector of the poor and a champion of Lucha Libre.


Traveling the world in search of ancient martial arts teachers, this Luchadora eventually found one that taught her the art of fire manipulation. Taking the name Firefang they now fight with fire in the ring.


A Luchador you love to hate. Brash and arrogant, he wins even when the odds are stacked against him. Even his namesake is a nod to his self proclaimed superiority because as he always says when staring down upon his fallen foes, “Man losing sure does sting doesn’t it?” When you lose to a guy like this, it sure does.

The Blue Flame
The Blue Flame

This pyromaniac was caught in a blaze of their own making. After nearly burning to death they spent years in physical therapy learning how to function again. Adopting a new persona as the Blue Flame, they continue their love affair with fire. This time however, the Blue Flame burns only in the ring. Or does he?

The Slime
The Slime

An accident at work knocked this luchador into a vat of wastewater. Fearing a lawsuit the Waste Manager covered up the accident and left him to wash away into the sewers. Miraculously, he survived and after crawling home he soon realized that he was oozing a bright green slime. He took the Slime as his new moniker and vowed to fight Bad Management, both inside and outside the ring.


Milagros prays to many gods, both old and new and somehow, someway, she always finds the answer. Perhaps it is luck, or perhaps it is a miracle. Whatever it is, Milagros always finds a way to win. Vamos!

The Talisman
The Talisman

This luchador travels the world gathering ancient and forgotten talismans in the hopes of elevating his already prodigious talents. Do his many charms work or is it all in his head? Whatever the truth the Talisman fights as if his life depends on it. And perhaps it does!

One Tooth
One Tooth

Rumored to be a vampire, One Tooth lost one of his fangs, and his mask, in a legendary match with who else, The Legend! After this humiliating loss he remade himself as One Tooth and began a journey to get his revenge. And his tooth.

The Zocalo Zombie
The Zocalo Zombie

From the deepest depths comes The Zocalo Zombie! Bitten by an audience member in an illegal underground Lucha Libre match, this Luchador was thought to be dead and buried. Alas, his fury was too much and from the cold sodden earth he rose, the Zocalo Zombie, thirsty for brains, and hungry for revenge!

The One-Hit-Wonder
The One-Hit-Wonder

Once a huge pop music star the One Hit Wonder found himself broke and penniless after being unable to create another hit song. Bitter and in debt he turned to Lucha Libre to pay his bills. Now as the One Hit Wonder he sings from inside the ring as he destroys his opponents.

Pan Dulce
La Flor De La Muerta
Lady Lightning
Dread Cat
The Blue Flame
The Slime
The Talisman
One Tooth
The Zocalo Zombie
The One-Hit-Wonder
Pan Dulce

As a poor teenager in the barrio Pan Dulce was once caught stealing his favorite sweet treat, the concha. After serving time for theft he vowed to never steal again and remade himself into a hero for poor children everywhere. Thus was born Pan Dulce!

La Flor De La Muerta

Rumors trail behind this Luchadora like vines from a tree. Is she cursed, is she a bruja, or perhaps even a devil? Whatever the truth, she is a fearsome fighter that brings misfortune to all who meet her in the ring.

Lady Lightning

While rescuing a group of children during a hurricane she was struck by lightning and a fallen power line at the same time. Miraculously she not only survived, but soon found that she had the ability to channel lightning through her body. Broken and homeless, she turned to Lucha Libre to survive.

Dread Cat

Enemies the world over curse her arrival for where the Dread Cat appears, bad luck is sure to follow. Abandoned as child and raised by a mysterious black panther she now lives as the Dread Cat; a protector of the poor and a champion of Lucha Libre.


Traveling the world in search of ancient martial arts teachers, this Luchadora eventually found one that taught her the art of fire manipulation. Taking the name Firefang they now fight with fire in the ring.


A Luchador you love to hate. Brash and arrogant, he wins even when the odds are stacked against him. Even his namesake is a nod to his self proclaimed superiority because as he always says when staring down upon his fallen foes, “Man losing sure does sting doesn’t it?” When you lose to a guy like this, it sure does.

The Blue Flame

This pyromaniac was caught in a blaze of their own making. After nearly burning to death they spent years in physical therapy learning how to function again. Adopting a new persona as the Blue Flame, they continue their love affair with fire. This time however, the Blue Flame burns only in the ring. Or does he?

The Slime

An accident at work knocked this luchador into a vat of wastewater. Fearing a lawsuit the Waste Manager covered up the accident and left him to wash away into the sewers. Miraculously, he survived and after crawling home he soon realized that he was oozing a bright green slime. He took the Slime as his new moniker and vowed to fight Bad Management, both inside and outside the ring.


Milagros prays to many gods, both old and new and somehow, someway, she always finds the answer. Perhaps it is luck, or perhaps it is a miracle. Whatever it is, Milagros always finds a way to win. Vamos!

The Talisman

This luchador travels the world gathering ancient and forgotten talismans in the hopes of elevating his already prodigious talents. Do his many charms work or is it all in his head? Whatever the truth the Talisman fights as if his life depends on it. And perhaps it does!

One Tooth

Rumored to be a vampire, One Tooth lost one of his fangs, and his mask, in a legendary match with who else, The Legend! After this humiliating loss he remade himself as One Tooth and began a journey to get his revenge. And his tooth.

The Zocalo Zombie

From the deepest depths comes The Zocalo Zombie! Bitten by an audience member in an illegal underground Lucha Libre match, this Luchador was thought to be dead and buried. Alas, his fury was too much and from the cold sodden earth he rose, the Zocalo Zombie, thirsty for brains, and hungry for revenge!

The One-Hit-Wonder

Once a huge pop music star the One Hit Wonder found himself broke and penniless after being unable to create another hit song. Bitter and in debt he turned to Lucha Libre to pay his bills. Now as the One Hit Wonder he sings from inside the ring as he destroys his opponents.

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